Area Codes in Belize
for fixed Lines:

Belize Area codes are between two and eight digits long,
each large city and small village has an area code
The largest cities have two digits
  • 2 Belize District
  • 3 Orange Walk District
  • 4 Corozal District
  • 5 Stann Creek
  • 6 Mobil Numbers
  • 7 Toledo District
  • 8 Cayo District (including Belmopan, San Ignacio and Benque Viejo)

    Add 0 if you call from inside Belize
    Add +501 if you call from outside Belize

    Phonenumbers in Belize always digits long
    national dialing they are digits eight long 0 xxx xxxx
    international dialing they are ten digits long +501 xxx xxxx

    +5 is the first number for the World Telecom Zone Latin America
    International direct dialing was established in 1964
    at a conference that took place in Geneva
